Sunday, May 13, 2012

Excuse me !!

Excuses are probably the number one thing that hold us all back from reaching our goals - whether we like to admit it or not ! How often have you talked yourself out of getting out of bed and into your runners or into that piece  of cheesecake ? The key is to be prepared. Recognize your excuses for what they are and arm yourself with simply solutions. 

Now shut down that negative self chatter and read on!!

Here is PART 1 of my excuse busting series :


"i have a bad back hip, knee...etc..."

Having an injury does not have to hold us back from being fit. Check with your Family Doctor or GP, or consult a physiotherapist before beginning an exercise program if you have had a serious injury, but don't let that hold you back from strengthening other areas of your body. Keeping fit is an integral part of healing.
 If you are dealing with a shoulder injury or rotator cuff tear try focusing your workouts on building strength in your lower body - have fun with it and set goals based on what you CAN do. A knee injuries suck... but lots of low impact cardio options are out there. Try: water aerobics or aquafit, or swimming. Having back issues ? Try: Pilates or restorative yoga.

The important thing is not to let your injury sideline you. Keep your ball rolling and your routine going or let your injury be the reason to start a routine and feel empowered by turning a difficult situation into something amazing.

Busy, busy, busy....

"i have no time/i work long hours/i can't fit in a workout"

This one is HUGE and i probably hear it the most from people unhappy with their bodies and fitness levels.

Write it into your schedule and DO NOT COMPRISE. Your health is one of the most important things, it effects your ability to function and can enhances your ability to manage stress and be productive. Set your schedule up so that exercise is a planned part of your day. When going through your 'to do' list prioritize your workout, walk or physical activity FIRST - you'll feel like you have already accomplished something bug and bring that energy to the rest of your day.

Exhausted ?
Sleep is very important and i am a big proponent of getting a minimum of 7 hours. My friend Lynn sets an alarm in the evening to let her know it is time to go to bed, ensuring that she will wrap up what she is doing and get under those covers. After having 7 hours of restful sleep, it is time to embrace your new best friend - morning workouts !! Getting 'er done in the AM means it is done for the day and along with the metabolic boost you, will feel more energized throughout your morning.

Have only 25 mins ?
HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training incorporates bursts of dynamic exercises jacking your heart rate up with shorter recovery breaks. This type of exercise burns just as many if not more than a longer period of steady state (think of that long elliptical session whilst reading through Life&Style). No gym with in distance but need some instruction try a HIIT dvd or become a warrior and hit up Zuzana for a short and sweaty treat.

Friends with Benefits

Whether it be a power walk through the park on your lunch break or an early morning meet up on the stairmasters - make it a date. If you plan ahead and someone is counting on you, you are less likely to bail at the last minute or not show up. Having fit friends may be a effecting your fit factor.
“The importance of social environmental influences on health-promoting behaviours such as physical activity and healthy eating has been increasingly recognized,” said Kylie Ball, from Deakin University, Australia. Ball helped conduct a survey that included 18-46 year old women finding that fitness and healthy eating habits were dictated by their peer group. Women with circles of friends that made healthy eating choices such as abstaining from eating fast food and/or exercised regularly were more likely to be healthier themselves.

In health and happiness, Erin xo

Friday, April 6, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Lose wieght on vacation !!

Am i the only one who loses weight on vacation ?? With all the free time i find it easier to do more of what i love - yoga, run, workout. However all that activity can be sabotaged without a little mindful prep and motivation.

This time of year people look forward to the VA-CAY ! - relax, unwind and enjoy some sun, and although i am a big fan of folks taking a step back from the daily grind - it doesn't mean leaving your healthy-self behind. Here are some tips to keep motivated, workouts to do anywhere and some items to bring with you so you don't bring back 8 extras pounds.

Numero uno : HAVE A PLAN !
My A-type friend says "failing to plan is planning to fail". Decide now - when and where you will work out. Research your hotel or the area you will be staying for gym facilities nearby. Most hotels or resorts have fitness centres and some offer classes like yoga or water aerobics along with lei making and basket weaving.

 Anywhere in the world.....
Check out run routes near by at and print off the routes before you go. Brilliant new workouts are available right on your phone thru apps like my favorite Nike Training. These can be done poolside, on your balcony or in your hotel's fitness centre.

Bringing you lap top or ipad or playbook ?
Tons of websites online offer yoga videos for all levels some even have downloadable preview or free trial memberships that allow access to video libraries. offers free videos with a comprehensive descriptions that change daily. They are short but tough workouts requiring minimal equipment that will challenge and inspire you.

Be Prepared means bringing along the good stuff !
Even if you are flying first class, airline food can be less then fresh. Pack snacks like portioned raw almonds (12= 100 calories), apples or cut veggies. When you arrive check out the hotel restaurant menu or room service in your hotel. Look for local flavor minus the battered, fried, or rich sauces and choose or request grilled or steamed. It may not seem like your "living it up" but you will definitely feel better in your bikini the following day - think ahead and make it a conscious choice.

You can also request a room with a small refrigerator. Pick up healthy crackers, fresh fruit and veggies at a local farmers market or grocer and pack your fridge with healthy snacks and bottled water to grab on the go. If you can satiate yourself with small snacks through out the day you are less likely to eat a huge meal at dinner because you felt deprived or starving.

Lightweight items such as : a skipping rope, resistance bands or a yoga mat can really come in handy while away. You can skip most anywhere and even twice a day for 15 minutes can give your metabolism a blast to fend off storing that Margarita you know where. The last two vacations to Europe and Hawaii i brought my yoga mat and skipping rope and was grateful to my healthy minded self for doing so. I stretched and did ab routines in hotel rooms and on the beach with the help of my yoga mat.

MOTI-VACATION ! Plan, prepare and then.... get really excited about it !!
Buy a new bikini and look forward to feeling proud to wear it. If you arent there yet - start to by thinking to yourself that you are looking better and better in it by working out before putting it on.

Get your girlfriend or special someone involved, like the Jack Johnson song - everything is better together ! Sign yourselves up for beach volleyball or a walking tour of the area, ask the activities director what other active sports or tours they offer or ask the consierge for a map of local hiking spots.

Plan your workouts and remember - you are numero uno :) it's your vacation - you get to decide how you spend it. Do not let food and drink dominate your experience - branch out try something new !!Chances are you are not going to run into anybody you know if you fear looking like a clutz. Leaving the familiar provides you with an opportunity to drop your inhibitions and step out of your "comfort zone" - always wanted to play waterpolo in your bikini ? Do it ! Dare yourself to have some fun while burning calories at the same time and return with a refreshed perspective on yourself and the world ! Don't forget your workout wear !!

Health and happiness, Erin

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Brand new kicks

The new Salomon speedcross 3 are all mine !

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Staying merry and bright through the holidays

Sigh.... The Holidays.

If you are trying to lose weight this time of year it can be challenging. The socializing centered around food and drink, the baskets of goodies dropped off at your office - not to mention how stressful it can be to decorate, find parking, shop amongst the madness  find the perfect oufit for the christmas party and please all of your friends and coworkers by attending their parties all while feeling quite frazzled and garnering enough energy to take a second to think about our food choices.
 During this potentially stressful time i wanted to share with you two articles by amazing women and pioneers in their approach to treating disordered eating and compulsive eating patterns. Take a moment for yourself and a deep breath :) and check these out :

"The Logic of Binging" By Michelle Morrand

Michelle is the founder of Cedric Centre located in two locations in British Columbia.
Check out their website for more info : Cedric Centre

Jean L. Kristeller PhD wrote an article for Spirtuality Health magazine called "Making Every Bite a Spiritual Practice" which describes her work with binge eaters. Using meditaion to create a connection to their thoughts and feelings, Kristellar teaches participants to both gage their hunger and connect with what is stimulating that hunger (feelings of depression, sadness, anxiety, boredom) The method she has developed is called MB-EAT or Mindfullness Based -Eating Awareness Training
Unfortunately the article is not online but...... you can purchase it here. Or pick up a copy of 'the SOUL BODY connection' at great book or magazine shops :)

I hope you enjoy these articles and you find more than a moment of peace to appreciate all this time of years brings.

In health and happiness,
Erin xo

If you have any thoughts or questions you'd like to share with me please feel free to comment below.

Monday, November 28, 2011

True Comfort

It’s raining where I am and so I retreat in doors for a wet winter evening. It is often in the evening, the end of the day – we are tired, our energy drained, we seek comfort to soothe ourselves and for so many of us that comes in the form of food – hence the term “comfort foods”
There are many things that we can do other than eat to give us energy and make us feel good. Food like other forms of stimulants takes our attention away from what is really going on.  So what to do when we find ourselves running to the cupboards?? Being a firm believer in whole foods and nutrient rich foods changing lives and especially if you are trying to lose weight- may I suggest not having any junk in your house.  NONE.  AT ALL. If you have a partner or your kids have tempting snacks trying putting them in their own cupboard that is out of the way or in a top shelf pantry. Tough stuff !!  Even harder is asking yourself the questions about why you are late night snacking?  General rule of thumb we have heard over and over again is to not eat 3-4 hours prior to bedtime, so why do so many of us reach for that tasty treat at that time of night ? Are your days jammed packed and you are not taking time to eat at regular intervals  throughout the day and literally starved yourself setting up a dangerous appetite and snails pace metabolism ? Or are you satiated but find that lull in the evening makes you want to “tune out” or turn off?  Do you reach for snacks to fill a void?
Each of your situations is unique and all of you face challenges that will require a unique approach to overcome. The right counsellor or life coach can help you identify the underlying reasons some of us self sabotage or have yet to put yourselves first on our priority lists. Taking the first step is identifying your fitness goals and asking for help. Most fitness professionals are in this business because they are passionate about health and fitness and they want you to achieve the same amazing benefits that having a healthy fit body can bring – and believe me as a passionate fitness professional that nothing is more rewarding than watching a client run their first mile or believe in themselves for the first time.
*Stay tuned for Fitness class schedule starting in February 2012*
In health and happiness, Erin